Who is a Highly Sensitive Person?
“A Highly Sensitive Person notices levels of stimulation that go unobserved by others.” Their brain is aroused easily and reacts differently to stimuli. As a result, they go through more intense emotions and have higher sensitivity levels compared to non-HSP.
Elena Herdieckerhoff, Founder & CEO of Entreprincess, who is also an HSP mentor, defines the phenomenon as follows. “You have an inner world where all your emotions are magnified. Sadness is pure sorrow, and joy is pure ecstasy. You also care beyond reason and empathize without limits.”
Note: It is not the same thing as being an empath. If that is the case, please, make sure to take the Empath Test instead.
What Is the Highly Sensitive Person Test?
The HSP test was originally created by Elaine N. Aron, Ph. D. clinical and research psychologist. It is a 23- to 25-questions questionary with True or False answers. Anyone who gets more than twelve true answers on the quiz is probably a Highly Sensitive Person.
The test was first introduced in her 1997 book. But now, you can find other modern alternative quizzes online—like the one on this page.
The goal is to identify whether or not your brain perceives and processes stimuli deeper than an average person.
An HSP Quiz Based on Dr. Elaine Aron’s Work
Dr. Elaine coined the term HSP as a preference to process information more deeply. In her 2010 interview, she describes the whole idea this way. “a Highly Sensitive Person takes in stimuli and somehow uses it in a more thorough way than others.”
The test you are about to take uses her findings to create an accurate sensitivity measurement tool.
Inspired by the Original 23 Questions
The initial test (1997) had twenty-three questions. Its new version on the HSPerson website has more, though. However, we created the Highly Sensitive Person Self-Test using the classic form. But keep in mind that QuizExpo’s questionary is of multiple-choice type, not True-or-False.
100% Accurate and Detailed Results
Most online HSP Quizzes provide you with a yes or no answer. However, our test examines all the other possibilities, such as being an empath, having PTSD, or even anxiety or depression.
Dr. Judy Ho, a triple board-certified neurologist, says, “When someone has a generalized anxiety disorder or severe depression, oftentimes it can develop these correlated traits of sensitivity. And that is because you are thinking more than an average person about how other people are perceiving you.”
So, it is important to distinguish between all these possibilities when figuring out who is hypersensitive and who is not. (That is what our test does for you).
Highly Sensitive Person Symptoms
Dr. Elaine uses the acronym “DOES” to describe the core traits of being an HSP. Here is what each means and how they form the diagnosable symptoms of the phenomenon.
- D Stands for Deep processing
Hypersensitive people might overanalyze the information they receive. It might take them more than 15 minutes to read every page of a restaurant’s menu to pick a portion of food.
- O Stands for Overstimulated
An HSP quickly gets overwhelmed by the surrounding world. Their sensory system overreacts to stimuli. So, it becomes a challenge to remain unaffected by everyday noises, smells, etc.
- E Stands for Empathy
It is easier for a Highly Sensitive Person to feel others’ emotions. Of course, that does not automatically make them empaths. However, they are usually empathetic towards others than an average person.
- S Stands for Subtleties
As Elena Herdieckerhoff points out in her TED Talk, “HSPs are like finely tuned sensors.” They can pick on the minutest things.
Physical Differences of HSPs
In her 1997 book, Dr. Elaine explains how a hypersensitive person’s body can differ from others. She points out six physical dissimilarities:
- Specialists in fine motor movements.
- Good at holding still.
- Morning people.
- Easily affected by things like caffeine.
- More right-brained. (Here is a Left-Brain Right-Brain Test if you are not sure).
- Sensitive to things in the air.
It Is NOT a Clinical Condition
You should note that the Highly Sensitive Person Test is not based on DSM-5 or any other medical diagnosis guidelines. That is so because it is not a clinical condition. HSP is more of a theory introduced and developed by some psychologists.
Although many studies back up the idea, it is not mentioned in the DSM-5 book. (And it probably never will).
Busting the Highly Sensitive Person Test Myths
There are lots of misconceptions and misunderstandings around the HSP theory. So, before taking the test, we want you to be aware of the following facts.
- It is NOT a women’s thing.
Studies claim that almost 50% of HSPs are men. Hypersensitivity is a biased concept. And many believe it to be a womanly trait. Terms like “snowflake generation” are used to describe men who are open about their emotions. But the truth is that sensitivity levels have nothing to do with genders.
- It is NOT a fancy quiz for introverts.
According to the most recent studies, nearly 30% of Highly Sensitive Persons are extroverted. But many wrongfully suggest that HSP is some sort of clinical name for introversion. (We have a test for you to find out if you are an extrovert or introvert).
- It is NOT the same thing as an empath test.
The HSP quiz focuses on your sensory functions and the level of your sensitiveness. That is while an empath test analyzes the way you react or perceive others’ emotions.
Dr. Elaine’s Advice to HSPs
The mastermind behind the concept of hypersensitivity shares some coping strategies in one of her videos. Dr. Elaine says, “You need to realize that overstimulated means more downtime and more rest.”
So, she suggests the following actions to all the HSP out there to make life easier for themselves.
Get enough sleep and rest.
You need to be in your bed for at least eight hours. It does not matter if you use all that time to sleep or just lay down. But make sure to have a resting process with a minor brain function.
Refresh your mind daily.
You need to do something relaxing and unstimulating for at least two hours per day. Dr. Elaine believes taking a walk, doing yoga, and meditation are good options. But the point is to help your brain drift away and calm down.
Take frequent and short vacations.
Instead of taking an extended vacation each year, make your off-time more frequent and shorter. That is how you can cope with your brain fatigue and overstimulated mind.
Stop Trying to Toughen Up if You Are an HSP
“Every time you tell an HSP they are too sensitive, it is like telling someone with blue eyes that their eyes are too blue. Chances are, no matter how often you tell them, they will still have the same blue eyes looking back at you.” That is what Elena Herdieckerhoff about the pressure of toughening up as an HSP.
The phenomenon we are talking about is neither a choice nor a mental illness. It is a part of one’s nature and genetics. So, you do not need to force yourself to change just because society wants you to.
Test Disclaimer
QuizExpo is not associated with any of the people or organizations mentioned in The Highly Sensitive Person Test.