Last Updated June 26th, 2023

Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality

Am I Mean

Do you ask yourself, “Am I mean?” This 20-question analytical quiz exposes your dark side and discovers if you’re a cruel person. Ready to face the truth?

Who Is a Mean Person?

If you are unkind to others, intended to be hurtful, or motivated by cruelty, you are a mean person. Being mean is a personality trait that revolves around vindictiveness, pathological lying, and manipulation.

Actual heatless people usually don’t ask questions like, “Am I a bad person?” So, the fact that you’re questioning your behavior is a good sign. However, the only way to make sure you’re malicious is to take the test.

An Unbiased Quiz to Answer, “Am I Mean?”

The questionnaire consists of twenty questions about your personality, traits, beliefs, and experiences. The goal is to evaluate the spitefulness of your character. And the results inform you of how bad of a person you might be—or vice versa. Here’s what you learn by participating.

See if you’re a mean person.

Your big question is, “Am I mean?” So, that’s going to be the first thing you learn. The test analyzes your responses carefully, matching them to our database. It helps us give you a score that eventually determines how cruel you are. Note that you won’t know your score, and that’s private information. But you’ll see the overall deduction of the quiz.

Get to know why you might seem mean.

For many participants, the primary question is, “Why am I unintentionally mean?” That’s why we have a dedicated section in the results to explain the possible reasons behind your behavior pattern. It’s challenging to spot the exact reason for a person’s characteristics or beliefs. But your responses provide us with enough information to have some reliable guesses.

Find out what type of malicious person you are.

You might be worried about how others interpret your behavior. And that’s why you’re googling things like, “Am I mean?” But a yes or no answer wouldn’t be that accurate because people have different patterns of being cruel or malicious. For that reason, our Meanness Quiz divides the heartless participants into two groups.

  • The temporary mean person might be rude, inconsiderate, or aggressive for a short period. Such people usually flip out when things go wrong and are otherwise regular persons.
  • A permanent mean is pathologically cruel to everyone. Such a person would go out of their way to hurt, humiliate, or manipulate others for the sake of fun.

Receive a personality analysis.

Your responses reveal so many things about your true self. So, we wanted to offer something more than a simple yes or no result. You can read a comprehensive analytical description of the type of person you are right after finishing the questionnaire.

How to Know if You’re Mean without Taking a Quiz?

People who wonder if they’re malicious might not be willing to face it through an online quiz. And it’s understandable. But there are obvious signs or red flags that could look for to self-evaluate your character regardless. See below.

#1. You’re rude to people.

Rudeness is one of the apparent signs of being mean. Not every rude person is intentionally cruel. But there are only so much understandable reasons for being impolite and inconsiderate. Usually, the mean person hides their insolence behind excuses. For example, they might claim to be “frank” rather than disrespectful.

#2. You’re never wrong.

Before asking, “Am I mean?” ask yourself, “Do I accept it when I’m wrong?” If you can recall very few instances where you were wrong and accepted it, you might be cruel. Unkind people find it challenging to see their mistakes. They prefer to blame others and play the victim all the time.

#3. You’re vindictive.

The biggest red flag is enjoying others’ pain, misery, or failure. If you happen to feel good when someone you know is going through a hard time, don’t even bother to ask, “Am I mean?” The answer is a huge YES.

#4. You lie about everything.

Do you have so many excuses to lie to your friends and family? If yes, you’re mean. Honesty is like holy water that scares any heartless, cruel person. Yes, we all lie about various things in our lives. But too many lies are an indication of something unpleasant.

#5. You manipulate and control others.

Being abusive and manipulative are common aspects of having a mean personality type. If you tend to control, misuse, or mistreat others, you don’t need to take the test. The result is already apparent.

#6. You’re mean to animals.

Animal cruelty is unacceptable. If you treat other creatures poorly or hurt them intentionally, you’re mean.

Reasons Why You Might be Mean

You may ask yourself, “Why am I so mean to people I love?” or things like that. And we promised to give you some hints on that in the test results. But here are some of the primary reasons why you turn into a cruel person and hurt your loved ones’ feelings—although you don’t mean to (pun intended).

Anger issues.

Being mean could be a byproduct of your anger issues. It’s common for inconsiderate and impolite people to be passive-aggressive. They tend to express their unpleasant emotions through hurtful words and unaccepted behaviors.


Being bullied, emotionally abused, or manipulated during childhood or even adulthood can make you a mean person. Traumas can affect your behaviors significantly, justifying your wrong deeds and encouraging them.

Mean parents.

One way to answer a question like, “Am I mean?” is to think about your parents. Are they cruel, rude, inconsiderate, or vindictive? If yes, chances are you’ve been imitating them your whole life—because that’s what kids do.


The real question might be, “Am I insecure?” rather than “Am I a bad person?” Your insecurities can lead you to hurt others’ feelings and be unempathetic towards them. Such traits help you forget unpleasant emotions and focus on others’ imperfections instead.

Personality disorder(s).

Things like narcissistic personality disorder can make you a cruel person. Such conditions lead to becoming self-absorbed and numb to others’ feelings. And eventually, you turn into a malicious individual who cares about nothing but themselves.

Problem with expressing emotions.

Another reason you are mean might be the way you express your emotions. People who have a problem talking about their feelings choose passive methods to show them. That’s one of the most destructive things in a relationship because every time you have an intense emotion, you choose the wrong way to express it. So, you may always feel like you’re the victim.

What to Do if the Test Says You’re Mean?

Consult a therapist. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the best way of dealing with your negative emotions. A therapist can help you find the root of your problems, understand them, and let go of them if that’s what you want. Here are some other options to try if you don’t like therapy:

  • Apologize when you’re wrong.
  • Don’t control or manipulate people.
  • Don’t be judgmental.
  • Express your emotion through words, not aggression.
  • Don’t lie, no matter the reason.
  • Stop finding excuses for being rude.

Disclaimer: Read Before Taking the Meanness Quiz

The quiz on this page is designed to help those who ask, “Am I mean?” It’s not meant to label you or judge your characteristics. So, please, take the results lightly and let us know if anything about them bothered you. We respond to all the comments and emails as fast as possible.

How to Play?

Playing personality quizzes is straightforward: Choose the option that’s true about you—or you relate to—and select “Next.” Unlike trivia quizzes, personality tests have no right or wrong answers. But the questions are in forced-choice format. The point is to push you to choose an option that makes the most sense, not the one that’s 100% true. For the most accurate results, don’t overthink your responses. Go with options that you “feel” are the best.

Questions of the quiz

  • 1
    How do you define being rude?
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 1
    • Being inconsiderate and ignorant

    • Doing things that you shouldn't

    • Not following stupid social rules

    • There's no such thing as being rude

  • 2
    Who do you consider to be a frank person and admire?
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 2
    • One who tells the truth

    • One who tries not to lie

    • One who speaks their mind

    • One with no filters

  • 3
    Which one makes you an inconsiderate person?
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 3
    • Not caring for what others feel

    • Forgetting about social norms

    • Being who you are around others

    • Not letting people do whatever they want

  • 4
    How often do you lie? (Ironically, you have to be super-honest about this one).
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 4
    • Rarely or never

    • I lie when I have to

    • When there's a gain in it

    • All the time. It's fun

  • 5
    What might cause you to lie to your friends or family?
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 5
    • Nothing

    • Saving their lives or something

    • Getting rid of them

    • Anything. I lie to them all the time.

  • 6
    Which one sounds like a good excuse for hiding the truth from your loved ones?
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 6
    • Helping them feel better

    • Reducing their stress/anxiety

    • Messing with them or pranking them

    • Revenge!

  • 7
    What do you think about faking emotions? Is it okay to have or express them?
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 7
    • No. you should never fake emotions

    • You're better off without them

    • Fake emotions are inevitable

    • I need fake emotions to function

  • 8
    How often do you say nice things about people that you actually hate or dislike?
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 8
    • Rarely or never.

    • I try not to do that.

    • Most of the time. I try to be polite.

    • All the time. I'm pro at that.

  • 9
    What do you feel when someone goes through a hard time or fails at a certain task?
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 9
    • I feel bad

    • It depends on the person

    • I feel numb and indifferent

    • I usually feel good and motivated

  • 10
    Do you think it's okay to feel good when someone you know is miserable?
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 10
    • Not at all

    • I don't think so

    • Um, it depends

    • Yes, it's totally fine

  • 11
    Do you usually regret your mistakes?
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 11
    • Yes, all the time.

    • I usually do.

    • Not really.

    • Nope. I don't regret anything.

  • 12
    How do you feel when you hurt someone's feelings?
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 12
    • I feel horribly bad

    • It makes me mad at myself

    • I usually feel numb and indifferent

    • I feel fine and slightly satisfied

  • 13
    How easy is it for you to apologize and acknowledge your mistake?
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 13
    • Fairly easy. I apologize right away.

    • It changes depending on the person.

    • I often avoid apologizing because it's meaningless.

    • I don't apologize to no one.

  • 14
    Do you think it's okay to manipulate people and misuse them to achieve something in life?
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 14
    • NO! That sounds disgusting.

    • I don't think so,

    • Maybe. Sometimes you have to do so.

    • Yes. It's a fun way to achieve your goals.

  • 15
    What do you do when someone refuses to help you or do what you asked them to do?
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 15
    • I thank them anyway.

    • I try to understand it and move on.

    • I don't talk to that person for a while.

    • I remove that person from my life.

  • 16
    What do you think about pets? Do you like them?
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 16
    • I LOVE them

    • I like them

    • I don't really like them

    • I HATE them

  • 17
    Which one describes the way your parents treated you as a child?
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 17
    • With kindness and love

    • With rules and discipline

    • With ignorance and indifference

    • With anger and hate

  • 18
    On a scale of 0 to 5, how insecure are you? (5 means I'm very insecure).
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 18
    • 0-1

    • 2-3

    • 4

    • 5

  • 19
    Which one describes the way you express your anger?
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 19
    • I talk about it

    • It depends on the situation

    • I don't say anything about it

    • I yell and scream

  • 20
    Final question; how would you feel if you roasted and destroyed someone?
    Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality 20
    • Awful and guilty

    • Sad and regretful

    • Happy and fine

    • Victorious and proud

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