Last Updated June 26th, 2023

Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms

Stress Quiz

Sometimes you feel stressed or depressed; therefore, take the Stress Quiz to check if you have any stress symptoms. This quiz helps you with gloomy days.

This quiz is not a medical test, so you might want to double-check the results with a doctor or psychiatrist. Modern life comes with many blessings and a few curses, including more stress and sorrow for some of us. The stress quiz tries to determine if you are depressed or stressed with a few simple questions.

Am I stressed or depressed?

There is a fine line between sadness and depression. It is just human to feel different emotions, including sadness. However, the World Health Organization defines depression as a common mental disorder with specific symptoms and consequences. Depression is characterized as prolonged sadness and a lack of interest in pleasure in previously rewarding activities.

On the other hand, there is a close correlation between anxiety, stress, and depression. An individual suffering from one is more susceptible to the other two.

Stress Symptoms

Now that you can distinguish between sadness and depression let’s highlight some prominent stress symptoms.

Stress has some physical indicators such as:

  • Exhaustion or trouble sleeping
  • Chest pains and a racing heart
  • Aches and pains all over your body
  • Dizziness, headaches, or tremor
  • High blood pressure
  • Weak immune system
  • Muscle tension or jaw clenching

The emotional or mental symptoms of stress also include:

  • Irritability
  • Constant anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Deep sadness


Depression Symptoms, Stress Quiz

We have listed some of the most common depression symptoms:

  • Feelings of sadness, emptiness, hopelessness, and tearfulness
  • Bursts of anger, frustration, even over small matters
  • Sleep disorders such as insomnia or oversleeping
  • Feeling worn out; even small tasks seem difficult
  • Eating disorders
  • Agitation or restlessness
  • Slowed speech or actions
  • Frequent recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts, or attempts
  • Unexplained physical problems, for instance, headaches or back pain
  • Feeling worthless or guilt
  • Fixating on past failures and blaming yourself

Stress Quiz results and their interpretations

As illustrated above, many symptoms of depression and stress are identical, especially in the most extreme cases. Therefore, we will not discriminate between depression and anxiety. Furthermore, we want to give you direct results without jargon or technical words in four categories.

Now, you can start the quiz and answer 20 questions to find how stressed or depressed you are.

Deep stress or depression

Your answers indicate that you’re in a lot of pain. Remember that stress and depression are disorders of the mind, just like a cold that inflicts the body. Therefore, you can always get better by getting proper treatment and taking care of yourself.

We strongly recommend you visit a psychiatrist or psychologist. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who can prescribe drugs and medication. On the other hand, you need a referral to see the doctor. In the meantime, you can visit a psychologist to try cognitive and behavioral therapies and similar practices.


Minor stress or depression

Your answers indicate that you have minor stress or depression. Approximately 280 million people suffer from depression worldwide. It is okay to feel stressed in contemporary life. There are a few ways to recover from minor depression or low anxiety levels. However, we strongly recommend seeking professional help.

A few tips to get over your stress:

  • Get more exercise
  • Regularly eat nutritious food
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Get enough sleep
  • Help someone else

It’s just a hiccup

Your response demonstrates that your mental health is fine despite having a bump on the road. We all have our share of sadness and sorrow in our lives, and it’s only natural due to environmental or physiological incidents.

In case you feel like seeing a therapist, just make an appointment. You don’t have to be devoured and devastated to talk to someone who specializes in mental health. In fact, health experts have recommended visiting a psychology professional every once in a while.


However, here are some simple things to do in order to get over the gloom:

  • Get more exercise and walk more often
  • Try to contribute and help others; what goes around comes around
  • Try watching comedy shows and movies; get more laughter
  • Make a change; replace something that bothers you with something positive
  • Take care of your diet: maintain a healthy diet and get plenty of water during the day
  • Fight the negative thoughts by not accepting and admitting negative comments about your personality

It’s all rainbows and butterflies

Congratulations. You seem alright, and nothing is currently bothering you more than it should. Although you might have expected to have minor anxiety or depression, the feelings you experience are just normal. We all have our share of bittersweet moments in our lives. So, being sad for a moment or a day is nothing out of the ordinary.

Your attitude towards yourself and life is positive. That makes you a suitable person for sharing your joy with others who might suffer from depression and need some inspiration. If you’re interested, you can step up and start helping out people who can’t handle their challenges and are going through hard times.



QuizExpo does not own any of the images used in the Am I stressed quiz. All the photos were used from the Unsplash, Envato, and Twenty20 websites, and no copyright infringement is intended. In addition, if you show symptoms of stress and depression, you should consult a GP or get help from a psychotherapist.


How to Play?

Playing personality quizzes is straightforward: Choose the option that’s true about you—or you relate to—and select “Next.” Unlike trivia quizzes, personality tests have no right or wrong answers. But the questions are in forced-choice format. The point is to push you to choose an option that makes the most sense, not the one that’s 100% true. For the most accurate results, don’t overthink your responses. Go with options that you “feel” are the best.

Questions of the quiz

  • 1
    If you were to describe your feelings like the weather, what is the weather like inside your heart?
    Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 1
    • heavy showers for a week

    • snowy and cold

    • overcast

    • clear and sunny

  • 2
    What would you do if you see a small tiger cub in a zoo?
    Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 2
    • just pass by and don't notice the animal nor the people around it

    • wonder how dangerous it would be if it grows up and sense the fear

    • feel sampathetic to the poor creature in captivity

    • take a few pictures and hope the cub is properly treated in the zoo

  • 3
    Have you recently had a difficult day?
    Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 3
    • Every day is torturous and unbearable.

    • I've had more than my fair share of gloomy days recently.

    • Yes, but I know I'll be alright in a few days.

    • Yes, but I've coped with it. Even though I might have shed some tears.

  • 4
    Which option describes your recent sleep behavior best?
    Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 4
    • I'm experiencing insomnia or I sleep way too much.

    • Sometimes my thoughts and concerns stop me from having a decent sleep.

    • I've had a few instances of bad sleep due to stress.

    • I sleep like a baby.

  • 5
    Which statement is closest to your current eating pattern?
    Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 5
    • I don't enjoy eating, even it the meal is delicious.

    • I can't eat properly, especially when there's so much on my shoulder.

    • I've skipped a few meals or overeat when stressed.

    • I'm aware of my diet and enjoy decent meals.

  • 6
    Which statement is closest to what you think of people around you?
    Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 6
    • I feel embarrassed around people for any reason.

    • I try to avoid people because they might judge me.

    • Sometimes I'm too irritable even around close friends.

    • If someone does something indecent, I would forgive them if they apoligized.

  • 7
    If you were to describe your mood in shape of a landscape, what would it be like?
    • Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 7

    • Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 8

    • Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 9

    • Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 10

  • 8
    What do you think others think of you? Especially those close to you.
    Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 11
    • I feel like everyone ignores me or hates me.

    • I don't think they really care about me.

    • I've had some quarrels with friends or family lately.

    • I can deal with people, even if they are mean to me.

  • 9
    If you could materialize your soul, what would it be like?
    • Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 12

    • Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 13

    • Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 14

    • Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 15

  • 10
    How often do you feel like working out even simple tasks are difficult for you?
    Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 16
    • always

    • most times

    • occasionally

    • never

  • 11
    What kind of movie boosts your mood when you feel down?
    Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 17
    • There is no movie that could lift my mood.

    • I would just play anything without even watching.

    • An inspiring movie would help.

    • Watching a comdey will help me cheer up.

  • 12
    Have you or your family members suffered from depression before?
    Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 18
    • Both me and my family have been dealing with stress and depression.

    • Some of my family members used to go to therapy.

    • We have gone to therapy under certain circumstances.

    • Neither of us has ever needed therapy.

  • 13
    Do you feel haunted by your past?
    Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 19
    • I think about the past many times and it bothers me.

    • Sometimes I feel ashamed or guilty of my past.

    • Sometimes I worry about the consequences of my actions.

    • I take the bitter and the sweet from the past.

  • 14
    Do you ever get a feeling that something terrible would happen in the future?
    Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 20
    • I contantly feel a premonition

    • Sometimes I feel overstressed in random situations

    • I only feel stressed when something big is going to happen.

    • I only feel stressed when I soud be.

  • 15
    Have you ever had suicidal thoughts or wanted to hurt yourself?
    Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 21
    • Yes, and I have tried to hurt myself recently.

    • Yes, sometimes I feel like doing so.

    • I have had these thoughts once or twice before.

    • I've never even thought about it.

  • 16
    Do you find it hard to focus on tasks such as reading news, watching TV, and working.
    Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 22
    • Most days

    • more than half the days

    • sometimes

    • rarely

  • 17
    Have others noticed and told you that you move or speak too slow or too agitated?
    Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 23
    • Most days

    • more than half the days

    • sometimes

    • rarely

  • 18
    How much do monetary and work-related problems stress you?
    Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 24
    • I've got a lot of problems and they're really bothering me.

    • Sometimes I feel I'm being pushed to the wall.

    • Sometimes I feel stressed about money or work.

    • I only get anxious in rare difficult situations.

  • 19
    Do you find it hard to trust in people?
    Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 25
    • I can't trust anyone at all.

    • I might find one or two people to confide in.

    • I've got close friends and therapists.

    • I have enough friends around me.

  • 20
    How do you picture the future?
    Stress Quiz, Am I Stressed or Depressed? Check 20 Symptoms 26
    • distopian, hopeless, and full of fear.

    • quite dark and cynical.

    • with some concerns.

    • down-to-earth with positive and negative visions

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