Last Updated June 26th, 2023

IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz

IQ Test for Kids

This is a free IQ test for kids with instant results. Answer the 20 standard questions of the quiz to get the best and non-judgmental results.

Brief History of IQ Test for Kids

Charles Spearman was the first psychologist to suggest we do have one general intelligence factor, the G-Factor. And scientists have been finding methods to assess it ever since. But the first reliable IQ test for kids was designed by Simon and Binet in 1905. The two created a method to evaluate kids’ Intelligent Quotient by a simple formula, exam score divided by age and multiplied by 100.

Binet-Simon Test’s goal was to discover children with special needs. However, their method was later used to classify students based on their scores.

Today, some other forms of the Binet & Simon work, such as Stanford-Binet, are used for various purposes. But the most common way to test a kid’s IQ these days is WAIS.

The Difference Between Modern and Classic Intelligence Quotient Exams

Nowadays, IQ tests for kids are sometimes used to identify students with learning disabilities or issues. The basics of the exams remain pretty much the same as the classic ones. Back in the 1990s, some psychologists employed the method to diagnose mental conditions such as schizophrenia. That is something modern exams are not used for.

The Best IQ Test Is the One with No Labeling

“We proclaim ‘seriously learning disabled,’ ‘gifted,’ ‘athlete,’ ‘not good at math,’ as if we have the power to see their lifetime developmental endpoint.” Those are Scott Barry Kaufman’s words, an underperforming student whose IQ score as a kid was very low. The psychologist who examined him believed that he has serious learning issues. So, they sent Scott to a special school. However, he refused to accept his fate and preceded to get a Ph.D. from Yale.

That is one of many stories to show labeling children regarding their IQ exam results/scores is incorrect. Such evaluations are nothing but numbers and estimations. But human capabilities are beyond the boundaries of exam questions. So, the best type of IQ test for kids is the one that focuses on particular skills/abilities without labeling the examinees.

Factors that Negatively Affect the Kids’ IQ Tests’ Results

None of the Intelligence Quotient examinations are accurate. That is because several external and internal elements affect the outcome, reducing the reliability of the assessments. These are the most important factors that negatively change the results.

#1: Test Anxiety

Some students struggle with a specific type of stress that leads them to underperform in exams. Individuals with test anxiety find it hard to focus on questions even though they know the correct answer(s). So, forcing such a person to take an Intelligence Quotient evaluation without considering their special condition does not reveal accurate or dependable scores.

#2: Environmental Conditions

Studies show that the environment in which a kid is raised affects the IQ test results. That is not directly connected with the potential or actual intelligence of the children. However, the fewer educational opportunities a kid has, the lower they might score on an IQ exam.

#3: Mental Conditions or Brain Damage

A student or child’s brain might be slightly damaged in a way that influences particular functions. If you assess skills that are affected by the injury, the scores will be low. That is while the said person might be performing completely normal when other abilities are being examined.

#4: Validity Issues

How you interpret the results of an IQ test for kids affects the overall outcome. For instance, imagine a strict family that wants their only child to be the best student at the school. And now they are worried about the fact that their offspring scored 110 on an Intelligence Quotient evaluation. Note that such a score shows the kid is perfectly normal. However, the interpretation of the parents made it look something upsetting or distressing.

What Is the Point of IQ Tests for Kids?

A kids’ IQ test helps authorities discover possible learning difficulties in students in a standard and clinical environment. It allows them to plan special strategies or provide the special children with specific learning tools to have no issues progressing.

3 Times IQ Scores Used for Unethical Purposes

Although modern science dictates no improvised use of an IQ test for kids, the history of such evaluations is scandalous. Below are three incidences that show how misinformation and misinterpretation of this topic led to unacceptable decisions.

The scandalous policy of Virginia (1924)

In 1924, Virginia state suggested that people—especially youngsters—with low intelligence scores should be sterilized. The ridiculous decision was even upheld by the supreme court, emphasizing how stupid politics could get.

Eugenics and World War 1

United States used IQ exams during the first world war to classify, organize, and use soldiers. Such approaches even led to the creation of IQ hierarchy to predict one’s intelligence regarding their race, ethnicity, or other similar factors.

Nazis authorizing the murder of low-IQ kids

One of the saddest scandals relating to IQ tests dates back to the Nazi era. Believing in Eugenics, German soldiers approved of mass murder of many children and adults who were not “smart” in their eyes.

This Is Why You Should NOT Rely on an IQ Test for Kids

You cannot expect a number to predict your future or form your present. Any IQ test for children (regardless of its type or scale) is not 100% valid. There are a handful of reasons why you should not embrace the exam scores as concrete facts. And here are some of them.

Kids’ IQ Exams Do Not Measure EQ & Creativity

Like intelligence, it is almost impossible to define creativity. So, your child might be an imagination and ingenuity mastermind while scoring fairly low on a standard cleverness assessment. While IQ examinations are good to evaluate particular skills, they merely offer a limited analysis—and nothing more. If you want to identify your or yours kids’ EQ it is better to try this Emotional Intelligence Test.

Scientists Still Do Not Agree on the Definition of Intelligence

We do not know what exactly is brainpower or cleverness. That is because the human mind has limitless aspects and abilities. Does being intelligent indicate you are good at math? Or is it something about understanding complicated concepts? Maybe it is related to how well you can perform a certain task. No one knows. So, your IQ score is barely capable of measuring some aspects of your intellectual skills.

IQ Does Not Measure an Individual’s Progress Potential

In Scott Barry Kaufman’s real-world story, everyone thought he is going to have a difficult time learning new stuff. That was because his IQ score was pretty low—compared to his classmates. However, he managed to pursue a successful career and get a Ph.D. So, an IQ test for kids is not capable of predicting your future. There is always a chance to progress, learn more, and brush up on your skills.

How Does the IQ Test for Kids on This Page Work?

The Intelligent Quotient exam for children is a set of 20 questions to evaluate three factors, verbal reasoning, working memory, and visual-spatial skills. Here is what these elements mean and how the evaluation system works for each.

Verbal Reasoning

During the free IQ test for kids, some questions detect how well a child comprehends written sentences. That is because verbal reasoning is a key skill in learning and problem-solving.

Working Memory

A handful of questions on the IQ exam for children focus on short-term memory. That is the most basic way to measure one’s working memory capacity.

Visual-Spatial Skill

Understanding dimensional relationships between things is an important skill for kids. So, the IQ test on this page includes a question to evaluate the examinees’ minds’ visual-spatial aspects as well.

What Do the Results of the IQ Test for Kids Mean?

The children’s Intelligence Quotient assessment on this page awards you one point for each correct answer. By the end of the exam, you can see your total score on a scale of 0 to 20. So, here is what your result/points mean in this test.

10 points or less: You have an average IQ. Almost 70% of the participants got the same score as you.

11 to 16: Your intelligence is above average. About 28% of the participants got the same results.

17 to 20: You have a high Intelligence Quotient score.

How to Play?

A trivia quiz comes with right and wrong answers. You receive one point for each correct response—but no negatives for the incorrect ones. Take your time and read the questions carefully because some might be trick questions. Choose an option and lock it in by tapping “Next.” Lucky for you, the trivia quizzes have instant results. You see if your response was correct immediately. (Green is good, red is bad.) Even better, you can learn more about the topics with the “answer reveals,” the fun-fact snippets that appear after each question.

Questions of the quiz

  • 1
    Birds are the only animals that have feathers. Based on that, which of the following sentences is FALSE?
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 1
    • No known animal has feathers except bird species

    • Some animals other than birds could have feathers

  • 2
    James loves to eat apples. What does it mean?
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 2
    • James's favorite fruit is probably apple

    • James wants to eat nothing but apples

  • 3
    The Rabbit said, "I love my parents more than my friends." Based on that, which of the following sentences is TRUE?
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 3
    • Rabbit talked about its love for its parents

    • Rabbit said it doesn't love its friends

  • 4
    You hear someone saying, "Yes, please." Which of the following questions match that answer?
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 4
    • Do you want me to pour your drink?

    • Are you okay?

    • Is your plane leaving tomorrow?

  • 5
    Winters in Alaska could get very cold. Based on that information, can you guess Alaskans' favorite drink?
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 5
    • A hot drink

    • No, I cannot say

  • 6
    "Sam was talking to Simon. But Simon kept sneezing. So, Sam stopped talking and gave Simon a napkin." Based on this information, which of the following sentences is TRUE?
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 6
    • Sam is a nice guy

    • Simon probably has a cold

    • Simon is rude

  • 7
    In the previous question, Sam gave __________ a napkin. (What was the name of the other person?)
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 7
    • Samuel

    • Simon

  • 8
    What was the first question on this test about?
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 8
    • It was about words

    • It was about animals

    • I don't remember

  • 9
    Do you remember what James's favorite fruit was?
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 9
    • Apples

    • Carrots

    • Oranges

    • I don't know

  • 10
    Which of the following sentences is true about the Rabbit?
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 10
    • Rabbit loves its parents more than its friends

    • Rabbit does not love its friends

    • I don't know

  • 11
    Did you learn what is the most popular drink in Alaska in this test?
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 11
    • Yes

    • No

  • 12
    How many boys' names did you read in the questions of this test so far?
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 12
    • 3

    • 4

    • 5

  • 13
    How many animal names did you see on this test?
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 13
    • 1

    • 2

    • 4

  • 14
    "Simon gave his sneezing friend, Sam, a napkin." Is this sentence true or false?
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 14
    • True

    • False

  • 15
    Which one is bigger?
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 15
    • The Moon

    • The Sun

  • 16
    You hear a car noise that is getting louder and louder. What does that mean?
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 16
    • The car is increasing its speed

    • The car is getting closer

  • 17
    Which of the following shapes makes a better rooftop for a house in a snowy city?
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 17
    • A triangle rooftop

    • A flat rooftop

  • 18
    Imagine you see an arrow passing through a T-shirt. How many holes will it leave on the shirt?
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 18
    • 1

    • 2

  • 19
    You see two balls that have the same shape and color. But one seems slightly bigger than the other. What does that mean?
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 19
    • The bigger ball is farther

    • The smaller ball is farther

    • Closer objects naturally seem bigger to you.

  • 20
    You need two ________ shapes to create a square.
    IQ Test for Kids. 100% Free & Standard Quiz 20
    • Triangle

    • Rectangular

    • Small squares

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