This accurate past life quiz can guess your past lives job

Do you believe in a past life? If so, you can find out your past life job by this accurate past life quiz. This simple test may help you remember something from your past lives.

The belief that humans are born and reborn, that we have all had previous lives, goes to at least three thousand years ago. We all thought about what we were before and why we are now, and where we are going. No one can answer this question correctly, And everywhere in the world, there is a belief about this subject. Debates on this issue can be found in the ancient cultures of India, Greece, and the Celtic Druids, and reincarnation is a common issue in New Age religions.

If you believe you’re not as usual as you used to be, or if your feelings, abilities, and desires have changed, you may move toward the energy of the person you’ve been in for a long time ago. Have you ever wondered who you may have been in your past life? By playing “Past Life Quiz,” you can learn more about your past life with a few simple questions. Remember that “Past Life Quiz” is a test and a game, and it shouldn’t affect your life.

My Past Life Story

Most of us have had a sudden, shocking feeling that an incident we are experiencing has happened to us just this way before; this is called Déjà Vu. Deja Vu is one of the reasons that prove you have a past life. Maybe you asked yourself how my previous life Story was. Remembering all past lives puts you in a state of complete sadness. Because of your mother, maybe your spouse in your past life and your daughter in another life! How will you treat them? Like your mother? Your spouse or your daughter? You will be confused!

Past Life Test Date Of Birth

Pythagoras believed that we should tap into the numerical vibration to learn about ourselves, our purpose, and the world around us. He also told his students that the numbers on our date of birth might give secret references to our past life. These numbers identified Karma numbers reflecting the forces that we used to exploit in past lifetimes. These numbers of Karma will point the way in our present to stabilize and restore the Karma.

Past Life Animal

Do you wonder, in your past life, you were an animal? Our spirits will not necessarily reincarnate on this planet as humans. It is not impossible to picture humans becoming animals in one of our previous lives. Do you feel as if you have a deep relation to other species or animal types? You’ve already been that animal in your past life.

Past Life Quiz

The concept of reincarnation has been around almost forever. It’s part of various ancient-era religions and belief systems — and it can be pretty crazy to hear about some of the most famous tales about supposed historical past life events. “Past Life Quiz” can give you clues about your past life with a few simple questions. If you are curious to know who you were in the past, play “Past Life Quiz.” In this quiz, you are asked some personality-based questions, such as:

What do you usually spend your money on?

How would you spend your weekend?

What would you like to do for fun?

By answering such questions, you can see one of the following results at the end of the quiz:


In your past life, you enjoyed taking care of nature and animals. You liked to be outdoors and spend the whole day in the sun. You are a kind person, and your warm heart allows you to be interested in animals. You always have your friend’s back because you are nurturing, caring, and loving.

Witch Doctor

In your past life, your profession was Witch Doctor. You were not a traditional doctor, but you were very interested in caring for others and making them feel better; that’s why they called you a Witch Doctor. You are a quirky, genuine, and fun person. The people around you always feel happy, so everyone likes to be around you.


In your past life, you were a librarian. Your thirst for all information leads you to books. Your willingness to learn will help you do anything with books, from content to page smell. You are a very thoughtful, calm, and patient person. Your friends like to know what you think about different topics.


In your past life, you were a king/ queen. You are a natural leader who is excellent for handing over duties and inspiring others. You remain calm when things get out of hand so you can control the situation. You were a fair ruler who was respected by all their subjects.

How to Play?

Playing personality quizzes is straightforward: Choose the option that’s true about you—or you relate to—and select “Next.” Unlike trivia quizzes, personality tests have no right or wrong answers. But the questions are in forced-choice format. The point is to push you to choose an option that makes the most sense, not the one that’s 100% true. For the most accurate results, don’t overthink your responses. Go with options that you “feel” are the best.

Questions of the quiz