Trick Questions Quiz That Only Geniuses Can Score 100%

Play this interesting Trick Questions Quiz to find out how smart you are. This quiz contains confusing brain teasers, tricky trivia, and math trick questions.

trick questions

What is a trick question

A trick question is hard to answer because there is a trap in it, and usually, the obvious answer is not correct. Many people claim to be very smart and can answer any question, and do not fall into the trap of trick questions.

Common sense and knowledge do not help you answer tricky questions. Some confusing questions are amusing, some are a game about words, and some include looking at things differently. Even if some answers are rational or rely on common sense, your first thought is often incorrect.

Many people like to prove that they are brilliant at winning brain teasers. It is impossible to consider that you will nail every logic-based question, and it is even more impossible to hear all the riddles in the full sense of the word. Tricky questions will make you and your friends scratch your head and wonder how smart you are. Brain teasers and confusing questions are great for entertaining people in places like parties, the classroom, and the workplace.

There are various types of trick questions quizzes; for example, math trick questions, trick questions for kids, Mind trick questions, and funny trick questions. If you are interested in evaluating your knowledge, play one of these online quizzes.

Mind trick questions

These are other kinds of difficult questions that are challenging, even for the smartest individuals. Do not rush before you answer; you should read the questions carefully and think. Here is an example:

Example Question: A father and his son crash while driving on the road. The father dies on the way to the hospital, but his son is severely injured, and he has to have surgery. But when he’s taken to the emergency room, the doctor says I can’t operate because he’s my son. What do you think? How was this possible?

Answer: the doctor was his mother

Trick questions for kids

These are the type of funny, confusing questions. Try these little mind tricks when you get a chance with the kids in your life. Don’t worry about answering questions wrong. You will have fun hearing some questions answered incorrectly. Here is an example of trick questions for kids.

Example Question: Mr. Jones noticed that the pockets of his pants were completely empty – but there was still something there. What were?

Answer: there was a hole.

Funny Questions

Some of the hard questions are fun and entertaining, making you laugh. Especially if you answer this type of question with your friends and colleagues, you will have a great time. Ask these fun questions from your friends and coworkers, and try to guess a few before looking at the answers. Here is an example of Funny Trick Questions.

Example Question: Imagine you are in a boat and surrounded by sharks around the boat; how can you save yourself?

Answer: Stop imagining.

Math trick questions

We all deal with math problems from elementary school, and for many people, math is a big problem. While logic makes you believe that your math skills are naturally better as you age, the opposite is more likely unless you solve algebra and geometry problems daily. You’ll work for weeks for these ridiculous standard tests – but on the day of the exam, somehow, you don’t know what equations or hard math problems wanted. To solve this problem, the best solution is to play online math quizzes.

Generally, tricky questions are the best way to activate the brain and create fun. Use trick questions and brain teasers to bond with your office staff, avoid boredom and challenge your friends.

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