Toxic Gender Role Test – Are You Struggling with Stereotypes?
“Men should be strong,” “girls should be cute and caring,” “kind boys are gay,” “Bossy girls are a turn-off.” These are some examples of gender stereotypes that lead to harmful assumptions and generalizations. Taking the toxic gender role exposes whether you believe in such labels or not.
What is the point of taking the gender role test?
The point is to shows how modern or old-fashioned your opinions about femininity and masculinity are.
How does it work?
You will answer 30 gender- and sexuality-related questions. Each question has a specific point that helps algorithms analyze your personality. There is no right or wrong answer. So, you only need to choose the option that makes sense to you. (See below for a more detailed explanation).
Everything Wrong with Masculine & Feminine Energy Test
Gender roles have been there since 1974. However, scientific researches and studies have shown that they are more of a myth than anything else. Modern life is not supporting such outdated ideas anymore. That is why most of the BSRI quizzes on the web are no longer popular.
Here is everything wrong with a dated BSRI test.
1. It Is NOT Scientific
Dr. Bem was the first person to categorize womanly and manly traits back in the 1970s. However, her method was not scientific at all. She interviewed 100 students, asking them about their ideal traits. Then she narrowed down her findings into 40 main characteristics, 20 masculines, and 20 feminines.
Her research was limited to a particular area and specific population. That is not a logical method to identify eight billion people’s behaviors.
Taking an original gender role test that is based on Dr. Bem’s study is useless. It is like taking a quiz to see if the 100 Stanford students find you manly or womanly.
2. It Is Based on Unvalued Principles
Back in 1974, social values were different. Most societies still encouraged girls to grow as mothers—while they urged men to become working robots. So, Bem Sex-Role Inventory is only a written form of such principles. For instance, her study claims that men love to gamble and guns. And girls love poems and dancing.
Today, we have professional girl shooters all around the world. Many famous dancers around the world are men, and women are playing poker like Dan Bilzerian. Advanced societies are no longer restricting the possibilities regarding gender and stereotypes. That’s another reason why Dr. Bem’s test is impractical in the 21st century.
3. It Is Offensive
Some of the questions of the classic gender role tests are offensive. For instance, they might ask you, “do you prefer math overcooking?” If you answer yes, then you are masculine. If not, you are womanly.
It is ridiculous to assume cooking is a women-exclusive action and anyone who loves it is feminine. It is not fair to label men as individuals who are meant to be smart, hardworking, and tough.
On the other hand, there is no room for nonbinary or other genders in Bem’s studies. You are either feminine or masculine. So, it is ignoring millions of people who do not want to fall into those two categories.
Toxic Gender Role Test Is Different
QuizExpo’s toxic gender role is not the same as the classic quizzes. During this test, you answer sex-related questions. However, the goal is completely dissimilar. By the end of the test, you will realize whether your definitions of femaleness and maleness are harmful or not.
– It Is Modern
The QuizExpo’s gender role quiz neither includes nor promotes old-fashion beliefs. You will encounter questions that suggest such ideas. However, they are only meant to reveal your beliefs.
– It Has a Purpose
Knowing how feminine or masculine you are is a waste of time. It will not help you become a better person by any means. However, the Toxic Gender Role test on QuizExpo has a purpose. It helps you review your attitudes and give them the once-over. The test will tell you if you are struggling with the stereotypes or not.
– It Respects all genders
“There are more than two genders.” QuizExpo’s test respects all of them and values their right.
How BSRI Tests Work VS. Toxic Sex Role Quiz Work
Traditional tests work based on the original study of Dr. Sandra Bem. So, they ask you 20-30 questions about the traits you like. The more “feminine” traits you like, the more female-ish you are—and vice versa. Remember, such tests use Dr. Bem’s BSRI charts as the primary reference. So, they still promote that stuff like cooking, dancing, and writing diaries while showing passion for guns, sports, and business are manly.
The Toxic Gender Role on QuizExpo works contrarily. The questions are about how you perceive the sex roles. You will not be labeled based on your hobbies and passion. Instead, you will realize whether you fall prey to the gender myths or not.
The Results of Toxic Gender Role Test
There are three possible outcomes of taking the QuizExpo’s test. You are either toxically feminine or masculine. Or you believe in equality for all genders. (See below).
Toxic Masculinity:
If you see this result, you believe men are superheroes who should not fail. People like you are still struggling with the labels and traditional roles. You think men should not show their real emotions. You also suggest that women should not be in charge of critical positions.
Toxic maleness has led to a phenomenon called Hegemonic Masculinity. It is a state of trying to keep men in power.
Toxic Femininity:
If you see this result, you are toxically female-ish. You believe that women should be praised for their beauty and charm. You also think that a man must take care of a woman’s needs and wellbeing. Unfortunately, people like you consider women like princesses, monarchs, or duchesses who cannot handle anything by themselves when there is no man around.
Toxic femininity leads to unreliable one-sided relationships in which one person is a servant, and the other is a receiver.
Healthy Gender Role:
If you this result after taking the Toxic Gender Role test, you have nothing to worry about. You believe in equal rights. And you do not fall for sex-related myths such as BSRI. People like you do not limit themselves because of their gentiles. Instead, they value their capabilities, skills, and knowledge.
Things to Know Before Taking the Test
1. The results are private.
QuizExpo’s privacy policy is 100% user-friendly. We do not use or sell your results at all. The outcome is only visible to you and is removed from our servers once you leave the site.
2. QuizExpo does not store your information.
QuizExpo does not monitor your performance during the Toxic Gender Role test.
3. The results are entirely FREE.
Some gender role quizzes sell the full results for $4.59 or more. However, you have FREE access to the test questions and results—and it will not change. We do not ask for your personal information such as credit card number, phone number, name, email address, etc.
4. You can share the results with others.
There is a share button in the test result. So, you can show others how you did on the quiz via social media, email, or messengers.