1 of 20
Pick the word that better describes how you feel about deadlines.
  • a

    I don’t like them, but I meet all deadlines

  • b

    I love them; they keep me disciplined

  • c

    It depends on the type of deadline we’re talking about

  • d

    I hate all kinds of deadlines


Question 1: Pick the word that better describes how you feel about deadlines.

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Want to know if you’re a Rebel, Obliger, Upholder, or Questioner? Take this Four Tendencies Quiz to find the accurate answer based on Gretchen Rubin’s book.

The Four Tendencies Quiz, Explained

With 20 self-reflection questions, the Four Tendencies Quiz is a self-assessment for expectation response. The test identifies if you’re an Upholder who meets expectations, a Questioner who doubts expectations, an Obliger who prioritizes external expectations, or a Rebel who hates all expectations—even the internal ones.

The Four Tendency is a personality framework created by Gretchen Rubin. According to her theory, people can be categorized into four primary groups based on how they respond to inner and outer expectations.

What Are the Four Tendencies

The four Tendency types are Upholder, Questioner, Obliger, and Rebel. Each of these natures reacts to rules, regulations, and obligations differently, making it difficult for them to adjust to new habits in the same way.

Upholder Tendency

An Upholder tends to meet both inner and outer expectations readily. This particular Tendency quickly adapts to rules and excels at challenging tasks when they’re paired with regulations and deadlines. The only downside to this Tendency is that Upholders often struggle with failure anxiety and perform poorly when there are no boundaries.

Questioner Tendency

Questioners only follow rules that make sense. They tend to examine and evaluate every rule, cherry-picking the ones backed with logic and reason. The only downside to this Tendency is that Questioners might struggle with following direct orders, and they also fall behind when there’s no creativity involved.

Obliger Tendency

Also known as a people-pleaser, an Obliger prioritizes outer expectations while failing to care for the inner ones. While people with this Tendency stand out in workplaces or academic settings, their self-negligence often leads to stress, depression, and lack of motivation.

Rebel Tendency

Rebels tend to resist both inner and outer expectations. Contrary to an Upholder, a Rebel feels locked in when there are too many rules and deadlines—but excels in creative works such as art. The biggest disadvantage of the Rebel Tendency is that it tires both the Rebel and the people who want to work with them, as it’s challenging to fit them into any framework.

Why It Matters to Know Your Tendencies

The Four Tendencies help you better understand yourself. And in Gretchen Rubin’s words, “Self-knowledge is the secret to happiness and success. The better you know yourself, your own nature, your own value, and your own temperament, the better able you are to bring these elements into your everyday life.”

Understanding your Tendency can aid you in developing new habits, managing your reaction to expectations, and effectively expressing your needs to others. In a way, your Tendency type compares to your love language; once you become fluent in it, others can better comprehend your needs.

Find Out if You’re an Upholder, Obliger, Rebel, or Questioner

Do you want to know which of the Four Tendencies you have? If yes, take this obligation and expectancy quiz to see what motivates you and what sets you back. Are you a workaholic Upholder, a people-pleasing Obliger, a philosophical Questioner, or a stubborn Rebel? Let’s find out now!

By the way, people who like our Four Tendencies Quiz also happen to enjoy our other trending test, “What Is My Talent?” It reveals what hidden-gem skills you have—and what to do with them.


While the Four Tendencies Quiz is inspired by Gretchen Rubin’s work, it does not include any copyrighted material, and QuizExpo intends no copyright infringement.