What if you asked a genie to summon a celebrity to your table at school? Who do you think he would invite? (We know the answer!)
So, everything started at a friend’s house when my bestie, Jane, asked us all: “Which celebrity would you want to be classmates with?” And although I’ve been doing this job of making quizzes for a while, asking people weird questions, this caught me off guard. I was like, hmm, I’ve never thought about that. I should probably create a quiz about that! And here we are.
With this unique personality quiz, I will show you which beloved or controversial celebrity from our era might sit at your table at school. In case you wonder, I’ll analyze your personality to come up with the most accurate—and hopefully hilarious—guess possible.
I’ve tried to keep the results as widely diverse as possible. So, you might get anyone from famous TV show hosts to Hollywood actors and actresses, world-known athletes, or even pop singers. (On a side note, we have specialized quizzes for all these categories. So, if you, say, want to know which pop star you are, we’ve got you covered.)
But yeah, right now, all you need to do is answer my ten questions. Your responses allow me to guess which famous person would voluntarily sit at your table and have a memorable meal with you.
Before you start the test, beware that you might not like your result because I didn’t just go ahead and fill them with the most loved celebrities. I’ve added some controversial faces in the mix, just in case.
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