The Frog Quiz Explained.
It’s a series of personality questions to expose your spirit animal as a frog.
Since most frogs have unique characteristics, the test creates and matches your profile to the one with the most similarity.
If such experiences interest you, check out our other quiz, “What dog breed are you?”
Frog | Feature |
Tomato frog | Lazy, chill, indifferent |
Edible frog | Sweet, shy, caring |
Red-eye frog | Carefree, peaceful, imaginative |
Horned frog | Cold, immoral, vicious |
Glass frog | Sensitive, elegant, naïve |
Bullfrog | Tough, stubborn, irritable |
Phantasmal poison frog | Sneaky, toxic, cruel |
How to Know What Famous Frog You Are
Each frog specie has its distinctive features. So, one way to find your Anuran match is by studying different kinds.
Another way is by personifying the frogs—the method we use in the frog quiz. You take a frog’s physical features and behaviors and compare them to human personalities.
The following descriptions explain how you could learn what frog you are through personification.
#1. Tomato Frog.
Slow, chubby, and chill, Tomato frogs are harmless. As a person, they’d be a laidback, food-loving lazy individual who sleeps too much.
#2. Edible Frog.
A shy, quiet, and innocent creature, the Edible frog is beyond lovely. If it were a person, it would be a sweet, caring, and empathetic one.
#3. Red-Eye Frog.
Red-eye frogs look like stoners. With their blood-red eyes, it’s always April 20 on their calendar. If Red-eye frogs were humans, they’d be carefree, weed-loving, always-high, peaceful people.
Bonus: The Quiz Includes Minecraft Frogs too!
Minecraft has three types of frogs: Temperate, Cold, and Warm. And by taking the frog quiz, you may match any of them.
Frogs are one of the latest additions to the Minecraft Mobs. They have exceptional personalities, which makes it more fun to know which one you are.
The Funniest (and Froggiest) Results Ever.
Hey, this is not a boring scientific test. The frog quiz is funny AF. It gets your personality in perspective, giving it a froggy persona.
You’ll most likely smile after seeing what frog you are. But your friends would definitely roll on the floor laughing. (Would you dare to share the results with them?).
QuizExpo does not own the images in the frog quiz and intends no copyright infringement.