Hair Type Quiz. We Can Guess Your Hair Type by 99% Accuracy

What is my hair type? This hair type quiz has the fastest answer based on FIA classification. The results reveal the curl, scalp, and density type of your hair.

Hair Type Quiz

The Ultimate 2021 Hair Type Quiz Is Here

We can guess your hair type accurately. The quiz on this page uses the most recent categories to sort you in the right group. Questions are based on both FIA and Andre Walker’s hair type systems to make the results as realistic as possible.

The test consists of 20 questions about your skin and hair. And it takes less than 5 minutes to complete it. The results offer information about the category and subcategory of your curls, as well as supplementary explanations.

You can also take the What Color Should I Dye My Hair quiz afterward. It will help you decide how to style your haircut now that you know its type.

What Criteria Does the Hair Type Test Use?

All the standards of FIA and Andre Walker’s categorizations are used in this test. See below for more info on each.

Scalp Type

One of the primary classifications to identify your hair type is your scalp form. There are three categories for your head’s skin, oily, dry, and normal. Our quiz determines what kind of skin you have right off the bat.

Hair Volume

FIA system uses hair volume or density as one of the main criteria. That is why our hair type quiz includes several questions about the compactness of your hairstyle.

Hair Stands

Some categorization methods like LOIS focus on one string of your hair to identify its type. But our quiz only uses it as one of the criteria.

Hair Curl Type

Almost everyone’s hair is curly. It is just that some have thicker curls while others don’t—and some fall in-between. The hair type quiz identifies your wave pattern so that you do not have to figure it out.

Discover Your Hair Type Without a Quiz

Okay, not many people are a fan of taking tests. And it is understandable. While taking the hair type quiz is the most convenient way of identification, we teach you how to manually do so.

Step #1: Separate a single string of your hair.

The first thing you should do is check the thickness of your hair strings. Pull out or cut one string and test the following criteria.

  • Rub it between your index finger and thumb. If you feel it, you have thick hair.
  • Look at it. If you cannot see it in a regular background, you have thin hair.

Step #2: Get a measurement tape and make yourself a ponytail.

Measure the circumference of your ponytail. No matter how long or short the tail is, determine its perimeter. If it is thicker than 2 inches, you have a light hair structure. But if it is more than 4 inches, you have a dense one. Anything in-between is normal.

Step #3: Analyze your scalp.

During the hair type quiz, you answer simple questions to identify your scalp’s structure. However, if you are doing it on your own, here is what to do. Examine the ends of your strings. If they are usually oily, you have an oily scalp. If they are always dry, your skin is dry, too. And if they are slightly oily and slightly dry, you have normal scalp skin.

Step #4: Find your curl type.

FIA classification has four curl types. If you are Type 1, your hair is straight. If you are Type 2, it’s wavy. Type 3 means your curls are obvious. And Type 4 indicates that you have really curly hair.

Is the Hair Type Quiz Based on FIA Classification?

Yes, all the questions, answers, and results are designed under the FIA standards. We inspect the primary classifiers of this method, which are curliness, stands, and volume. So, you might end up with a result such as 2b, F thin hair type.

What if I Want a Hair Type Quiz Based on Andrew Walker’s Classification?

Andrew Walker’s method is pretty much similar to FIA. The test on this page will let you know the equivalent category your hair would fall into if you used Walker’s classifiers. So, you do not need a separate questionary.

Some Expert Tips on How to Find the Type of Your Hair

We asked some hairstylists and experts to spare some tips on the topic. Here are the two most important pieces of advice they gave us.

The first 2 inches say it all.

When classifying your hair type, it is crucial to look at the right spot! You might think watching yourself in the mirror would do. But that is not true. The first two inches of your hair (close to your scalp) indicate its type better than the rest. So, it is best to pull your har strings up and look closely into the roots of your strings to identify them more accurately.

Do not identify your category when your strings are damaged.

A damaged hair loses its natural form. So, it might look curlier, thinner, or dry—while it is not. So, before taking the hair type quiz, make sure it is healthy and a-okay. Otherwise, you will end up in the wrong category and make further wrong and damaging decisions.

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