Signs You Are a Handsome Person
You are handsome if random people compliment your look (especially your facial features), check you out multiple times, are nice to you for no particular reason, act awkward or shy around you, or find ways to spend more time with you.
Handsomeness Quiz Explained
It’s a questionnaire that analyzes your face and shape, style, and character to determine how attractive you are.
Your personal evaluation is based on your physical appearance, excluding all other factors such as personality. And as pointed out on Daily Mail, a study by Dr. Debra Luftman and Dr. Eva Ritvo showed that you view yourself as 20% less attractive than you actually are.
So, you are never a reliable judge regarding your charisma. And taking a genuine test could actually reveal your actual hotness percentage.
The Criteria the Test Considers to Decide if You’re a Handsomer
Being a good-looking individual is not all about having a symmetric face and a fit body shape. Multiple studies have confirmed that other factors such as manner and communication style play a significant role in one’s attractiveness.
So, the quiz considers all of them to generate unbiased, accurate, and reliable results.
Face shape
We ask questions about the symmetry and shape of your face as well as your hair or eye color. The goal is to compare your features with known attractiveness standards and come up with a solid evaluation.
Of course, each historical period has its unique beauty standards. So, you might be labeled beautiful or ugly based on the era that your face seems to be from.
Body type
You don’t have to have a super-model body to be attractive. But it’s crucial to know your body type before answering questions like, “Am I handsome?”
We would like to know your height, overall shape, and things like fat percentage to finetune the results.
It’s not like you should have a particular aesthetic to be handsome. But the way you dress matters. So, we would ask for a sneak peek of your closet to ensure you have a desirable taste in clothes.
It would be inaccurate to call someone handsome before knowing their character. So, several questions of the test focus on exposing what type of person you are to avoid that mistake.
A 2011 study by Anthony C. Little et al, indicated that: “Desired personality influences perceptions of facial attractiveness in opposite-sex faces, changing the result to: ‘what is good is beautiful.’”
Why Some Men Are Afraid to Ask Questions Like, “Am I Handsome?”
As a male, there’s a stigma around asking, “Am I beautiful or ugly?” as if you’re supposed to show no signs of insecurity about your look or style.
But such biases root in toxic masculinity and are not valid at all. Guys, like everyone else, could wonder if they’re attractive in the eyes of others. And it’s totally okay for them to ask for others’ opinions.
It’s not girly to ask, “Am I cute?” or be worried about your appearance. And it’s sexist to think only females are concerned about their looks.
The Problem with Online Handsomeness Tests
The thing is that most other quizzes are incredibly biased. So, they’ll evaluate your attractiveness based on cliché standards and sheer masculinity. But data shows that guys with more dominant feminine features are also considered to be handsome by modern-day standards. Take BTS members as an example.
Unlike what’s promoted on some media and social platforms, you don’t have to be an alpha or sigma male to attract others. But the problem with other tests is that they’ll only call you handsome if you stack up to such outdated criteria.
Can You “Become” a Handsome Male?
Yes, you can appeal to people by working on your manner, communication skills, and style. To be handsome, you don’t have to be born with a super-model face. Multiple studies proved that people might find you physically more attractive after getting to know you and liking your character.
Things to Know About the Test Results
Your big question might be, “Am I handsome?” But our answer is definitely not a simple yes or no. We go the extra mile to determine what type of man you are and what it means.
Here are some of the possible results of the handsomeness test:
· Pickup Artist
You are physically attractive. And you use your charisma to approach more people.
· Genuine Handsome
Not only do you look good, but you also have a likable personality.
· The Spoiled Self-Obsessed
You might be a good-looking individual. But you’re also overconfident and arrogant.
· The Average Guy
You may not be the most handsome guy ever. But you’re not basic either.
· The Unattractive Loner
It’s like you’re intentionally trying to look unappealing and claim your loneliness for some reason.
· The Incel
You are an involuntary celibate, which means you are lonely either because of your look or personality.
Disclaimer: This Quiz Is Not Made by a Biased Person
Our editorial team wants to ensure you receive a fair evaluation. So, you’re not going to face any prejudiced questions or results.
Basically, you don’t have to be Chad to be considered hot or handsome.
Enjoy the test, and let us know what you think afterward.