What Dog Breed Are You? Which Of The 195 Breeds Matches You?

The “what dog breed are you?” quiz is going to discover the breed that is hiding inside you. It is a 100% accurate test that can reveal your personality.

Do you ever think or even fantasize about turning into an animal? A cat with its agility and nimbleness, a bird with wings flying over the skies, or a dog with its loyalty and friendship to humans. Well, you’re not alone, and it is ok.

What dog breed are you quiz

If you are a dog person and you are curious about knowing which breed is very close to your personality, then you are in the right place. All you need to do is to answer a few simple questions on this accurate dog breed quiz.

In this quiz, you will answer some simple questions about your personality, habits, emotions, etc. Your answers will reveal what dog breed you are. If you want to choose a dog as your pet, this dog quiz will help your choose a proper one.

What is the connection between dogs and your personality?

Maybe you have already guessed or thought about this, but you will get a more accurate answer here. Hopefully, this test will also give you a chance to look deeper into yourself. It can provide an opportunity for you to know yourself better or even improve yourself as a person.

Dogs have been humanity’s most loyal and trusted companion since 14,000 years ago. After all these years, they have become familiar with various human behaviors. They can help humans perform many tasks, like hunting, herding, moving loads, protecting, and mostly in the past century, assisting the military and police in detecting drugs or other dangerous stuff. So there is definitely, a deep connection and mutual understanding between dogs and human beings.

Among all the animals, dogs are the ones that resemble humans the most in terms of temperament. By going through the “what dog breed are you?” quiz, you will satisfy your curiosity and have a little fun by discovering what kind of a dog you would have been if you were not born human.

How can this test’s result help?

One of the aims and benefits of the “what dog breed are you?” quiz is to help you decide what breed is best suited for you. When choosing a human partner for life, you should seriously consider the personality or temperament of the breed you want to have. Sometimes dog owners complain about not getting along with their pets. The reason for this might be temperament incompatibility.

Now, there are more than 200 breeds all over the world. Each species has its specific characteristics and is unique in its way.

What will you see at the end?

In the “what dog breed are you?” quiz, we will introduce five of the most popular breeds: Bulldog, French Bulldog, Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, and the majestic German Shepherd. So, to get familiar with them, here’s a short introduction about each breed:

Bulldog: Bulldogs look very serious and challenging, but appearances are deceiving. Inside these strict and severe animals, there is a kind and affectionate friend. Despite what some people may think, Bulldogs are famous for their excellent relationship with children.

French Bulldog: French Bulldog is a regular bulldog, but its exotic French charm is irresistible. It is smaller than a regular Bulldog and is known for its diplomatic quietness and its erect ears.

Labrador Retriever: Commonly known as “lab,” Labrador Retriever is your friendly companion whose favorite hobby is fetching your Frisbees and balls. Labs are not lazy, quiet pets. They love to be active and go outside.

Golden Retriever: Golden Retriever is the Labrador Retriever plus many beautiful and magnificent hair and fur. They have a very positive approach to life: they take it easy. They are the kind of playful dogs that children always love.

German Shepherd: Probably the most iconic breed of dog after the Bulldog, the German Shepherd is the hero dog. The German Shepherd is a watchful, smart, strong, and confident dog.

Now that you’ve become slightly familiar with your possible “doggy double,” it’s time to figure out which breed is the closest to your personality. So let’s begin the “what dog breed are you?”.

How to Play?

Playing personality quizzes is straightforward: Choose the option that’s true about you—or you relate to—and select “Next.” Unlike trivia quizzes, personality tests have no right or wrong answers. But the questions are in forced-choice format. The point is to push you to choose an option that makes the most sense, not the one that’s 100% true. For the most accurate results, don’t overthink your responses. Go with options that you “feel” are the best.

Questions of the quiz