1 of 15
It’s Monday morning. What’s your mood?
  • a


  • b


  • c


  • d



Question 1: It’s Monday morning. What’s your mood?

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Your cat archetype is a combination of your personality and lifestyle; take this quiz to see which funny feline faction you belong in.

As a cat person, you can’t help but try to resonate with your pet, like, I wonder what kind of cat I would be? If you relate, this quiz is just for you! We’ve compiled a set of 15 questions that expose your Cat Archetype, your unique kitten alter-ego based on your iconic behaviors and lifestyle patterns.

Cat Archetypes Explained (for Dummies)

Cats have personalities. While some are playful and brave, others are grumpy and avoidant. Their demeanor and temperament determine whether they lean towards being extroverted, introverted, or something in between. These distinct behaviors in cats are commonly referred to as “archetypes,” representing a set of unique and distinguishable attributes observed in individual pets or across the entire feline species.

What Are the Most Common Archetypes Among Cats

Jackson Galaxy, a cat expert, divides cats into three primary archetypes: Napoleon, Wallflower, and Mojito—all based on their confidence and territorialism.

  • Napolean: Overprotective, dominant cats who don’t like to share their territory.
  • Wallflower: Skittish, submissive cats who avoid conflicts at all costs.
  • Mojito: Confident and sociable cats who are welcoming in their territory.

By the way, assuming you’re a cat person, don’t you wonder if your cat loves you? We have an analytical quiz that settles that age-old question once and for all.

How to Know Your Cat Archetype

Five traits delineate your feline archetype: skittishness, friendliness, outgoingness, dominance, and spontaneity. The closer you align with the friendly-skittish-outgoing spectrum, the less aggressive you are. Conversely, exhibiting traits of dominance and spontaneity suggests less agreeableness and sociability.

You MBTI Can Reveal the Feline You Are

The following table shows each MBTI’s corresponding cat type:

MBTI Cat Breed
ISTJ The British Shorthair
ISFJ The Persian
ESTJ The Li Hua
ESFJ The German Rex
ESFP The Sphynx
ENTP The Balinese
INTJ The Norwegian Forest Cat
ENTJ The Siamese
ISTP The Lynx
ISFP The Anatolian
ESTP The Bengal
INTP The Turkish Van
INFP The Birman
ENFP The Singapura
INFJ The Russian Blue
ENFJ The Tonkinese


Cat Archetype Quiz: Join the Army of Bipedal Kittens

You know what they say: everyone wants to be a cat. But the dilemma is, what kind of cat would they be? After giving it decades of thought (in cat years), we came up with a Feline Archetype Quiz that exposes your inner kitten—with impressive accuracy.

During the test, you respond to 15 tom-ish questions. And we analyze your choices to expose your cat type. Simple. Quick. Meow-ly entertaining.

We also have another test called What Cat Breed Are You? It’s quite an eye-opening question for kitten-heads like you because it basically analyzes your persona from the POV of a cat. (It’s a unique experience, promise.)