1 of 20
When randomly looking into the mirror, does your face usually look shiny?
  • a

    Not at all

  • b


  • c

    Only some parts

  • d

    It depends


Question 1: When randomly looking into the mirror, does your face usually look shiny?

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The Skin Type Quiz is a set of easy questions to find out if you have dry, oily, combination, or normal skin. It also tells you about your specific concerns.

A Dermatologist Approved Skin Type Quiz

We used Cassandra Bankson’s tips to create a 100% accurate test. She is a medical esthetician and skincare expert who has been in the industry for more than ten years. Unlike other online quizzes, you receive detailed and practical results that help you better understand your skin type.

Find Out Which of the 4 Skin Types Matches Yours

Type is not the same thing as concern or skin tone. Experts suggest four main categories based on the natural moisturization levels, Xerosis Cutis, Seborrhea, Combination, and Normal. However, some may include other groups, such as sensitive or aging—which are not accepted clinically.

Our questionary determines which of said classes matches your current condition. But here is a brief explanation of each to get your head around the idea.

Dry (Xerosis Cutis)

Having lots of patches or ashy parts on your body is a sign of having a dry skin type. You would usually feel tight around your chicks and jaw a bit after taking a shower. A lack of enough Sebum production causes xerosis Cutis. It is an oily substance that coats our body, keeping it moisturized at all times.

Oily (Seborrhea)

Active sebum production causes your skin to become Seborrhea—waxy or oily. You may feel like your face gets shiny for no particular reason. Plus, you might have greasy hair and scalp all the time.


A mixture of dry and oily skin types creates the combination category. You may be waxy around the forehead and nose while feeling tight around the jawline and probably chicks.


People who do not fall into any other categories (dry, oily, or combination) have a normal skin type. It is challenging to determine if you are of this group or not. However, our quiz can perfectly spot it.

Discover What Your Skin Concern Is

In dermatology, concern refers to the state of your skin. And it is somewhat independent of your epidermis type. The test on this page clarifies which of the following conditions matches your body based on your responses.

Acne-Pro: having this concern means that your skin is prone to having acne and spots.

Sensitive: your epidermis gets irritated easily.

Mature or Aging: it is a condition where wrinkles and lines are more visible regardless of your age.

Get Insights on Your Fitzpatrick Level

Thomas B. Fitzpatrick was an American dermatologist who created a scale to categorize skin types. The Fitzpatrick Scale has 6 levels. And it determines how sensitive or cancer-pro one’s epidermis is. For instance, Level 1 epidermis is light in color, resistant to treatments and external factors, and more likely to undergo health-related issues. However, Level 6 is all about having a dark skin tone that is sensitive against treatments. But it is less prone to cancer. (Take the test for more information).

How to Know What Your Skin Type Is Without a Test

Take a shower and use a cleanser to remove everything off your skin. Wait for an hour. Then, use blotting paper (aka bibulous paper) to spot the oiliest areas of your face. That is, stick them to your forehead, chicks, and around the jawlines.

If all of them look greasy, you have an oily skin type. If the wax is only around your forehead and nose, you have the combination type. If papers did not stick to your face and fell off immediately, you are dry. And if none of them happened, you have a normal epidermis type.

Things to Do to Make the Test Results More Accurate

The Skin Type Quiz is precise. However, doing the following things can make the results even more reliable.

#1: Take a shower

You need to be makeup-free to find your skin category. You do not have to take a shower now. However, answer the question as if you did so. Think about how your epidermis looks when you finish bathing.

#2: Use a cleanser

Your dead skin cells and other external factors might affect the results. So again, make sure you use a cleanser before examining it—or answer the questions as if you have no makeup on.

#3: Let your skin rest for at least an hour

Your type and concern are more obvious one or two hours after the shower. So, let your skin rest before inspecting it for more precise results.

Your Skin Is Changing

Keep in mind that your body is changing so is your epidermis. Factors such as environment, climate, lifestyle, diet, care products you use, and even aging affect your type. So, you might be an oily person when you are young but gradually move towards becoming an oily individual.

You Can Have Multiple Concerns

You can have sensitive skin while being pro acne. So, you can almost have any combinations when it comes to conditions. The best way to find out which ones you have is by consulting a dermatologist or taking an accurate online test—like the one on this page.

Keep in Mind (Final Note)

As Mark Twain states, “The finest clothing made is a person’s skin. But, of course, society demands more than that.” Your epidermis is the largest organ in your body, and it forms 16% of it. So, you need to care for it properly and keep it safe.

Taking the Skin Type Quiz could be the initial step to better understand it and maintain it.